Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Jacob Greenfeld

Sydney March | Staff Illustrator

Asst. Photo Editor | Fall 2016-Spring 2017

Working for The Daily Orange has been an incredible opportunity that so many aspiring journalists could only dream of. The level of professionalism of those who work here is overshadowed only by the amazing content that is published. It was an honor and a pleasure to contribute to such an amazing organization, and I will never forget the people I met and the memories I made.

Bryan Cereijo: Thank you for not only giving me my first shoot for The Daily Orange, but for setting the photojournalism bar so high that I constantly had to push myself to create images that were half as good as yours.

Moriah Ratner: Always seeing your amazing work featured in The Daily Orange made me dream of one day having my images published in the paper. You also convinced me that working in-house was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, and you were absolutely right.

Jes Sheldon: Your dedication to The Daily Orange coupled by your amazing skills as a photographer and Photoshop wizard inspired me every day. It was an honor to work as your assistant. Seeing your amazing sports photos in the paper and then going to work and sitting right next to you was always surreal to me.

Ally Moreo: I often take myself and my work a little too seriously, but you made every night working in-house so much fun! Your energy and smile lit up the visuals room and constantly reminded me that it was, in fact, possible to have fun and still do great work. Your ability to juggle all the responsibilities in your life, all the while keeping your spirits high, taught me the true meaning of being a “team player” and the importance of helping the people around you succeed.

Colin Davy: It has been such a pleasure watching you grow as a photographer this semester. Shooting Mayfest and Block Party together was so much fun and I can’t wait to see what you do next!

Joe Bloss: Getting a text from Ally asking if I wanted to shoot one of your stories was always a highlight of my day. From Smash Bros. competitions to chess clubs, I always knew that I was in for an adventure. You’re a talented writer and storyteller, and it was an honor and a pleasure working with you.

Paul Schwedelson: Your work ethic and commitment to putting out the best work you could do inspired me every day to never settle.

Matthew Gutierrez: I can never predict what’s going to happen when you walk into the visuals room, but it’s always hilarious. You bring a smile to everyone’s face with your kindness and genuine interest in how they are doing. It was a pleasure working with you, and I can’t wait to see where your talents take you!

Alexa Díaz: You are the backbone of The Daily Orange and your involvement with every single part of production is inspiring. You push everyone to be better and not only has the paper benefited from it, but also everyone who works on it.

Justin Mattingly: You represent everything that The Daily Orange stands for, and your love for this paper shows in the amount of time and energy that you put into it. Your sense of humor and easygoing attitude don’t quite fit with exactly how hard you work day in and day out to keep everything running smoothly.

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