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Editorial Board

The D.O. Editorial Board endorses Ryan Golden, Kailee Vick for Student Association president, vice president

Talia Trackim | Digital Design Editor

Editor’s note: The Daily Orange Editorial Board sat down for interviews with all Student Association presidential and vice presidential candidates to discuss campus issues and the dynamics of the undergraduate student governing body. The transcriptions of those interviews are available here, here and here.

The Daily Orange Editorial Board endorses presidential candidate Ryan Golden and vice presidential candidate Kailee Vick to represent Syracuse University’s undergraduate student body during Student Association’s 63rd legislative session.

The enthusiasm and dedication of all of this year’s candidates is clear. But overall, Golden and Vick seem best prepared for enacting change within SA and on campus to address major student life issues apparent in day-to-day life at the university.

Golden, a sophomore policy studies and religion major, was not afraid to be critical of university policy. He offered concrete plans for reform and a commitment to numbers, data and metrics for pursuing initiatives. Golden currently serves as co-chair of SA’s Academic Affairs Committee and has served in the Assembly. Golden is well matched with Vick, a freshman international relations major, who is currently SA’s director of relations with the Department of Public Safety.

Both Golden and Vick emphasized the importance of conducting a third-party review of DPS’ bias training — which was called for by community members after the February Ackerman Avenue assault of three students of color — improving sexual assault resources on campus by pursuing the implementation of the Callisto, a third-party recording and reporting system, and addressing concerns of transparency in SA.

Controversy surrounding the funding of “Cuse Can! It Starts With Us,” an event sponsored by SA, University Union and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, has reaffirmed the need for accountability in SA.

Only three members of SA — current President Ghufran Salih, Vice President Kyle Rosenblum and Comptroller Ambrose Gonzalez — approved the $242,000 in funding for the event through a process called rollover, according to Stacy Omosa, a member of SA’s Finance Board and a comptroller candidate this election cycle.

That’s a problem. Golden and Vick are both committed to ensuring that rollover spending is more transparent, and Golden said he believes SA keeps too much in rollover money for executive spending, as is.

Both Golden and Vick also seem to understand the nuances of working with SU administrators. They said that, through SA committee work, both have developed relationships with officials. But those relationships won’t interfere with Golden and Vick fighting for projects they care about, like the DPS review, they said.

The editorial board believes this mentality would best serve the student body, particularly following a turbulent and disturbing year on campus, including the release of the Theta Tau videos last April.

The Daily Orange Editorial Board serves as the voice of the organization and aims to contribute the perspectives of students to discussions that concern Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse community. The editorial board’s stances are determined by a majority of its members. You can read more about the editorial board here. Are you interested in pitching a topic for the editorial board to discuss? Email

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